Analyst coverage

Financial Analysts

Please find listed below those analysts and stockbrokers who follow ARYZTA and write reports on the company. All these analysts have given permission for their names to be listed. ARYZTA assumes no responsibility for any statements, expectations or recommendations made by any of them.

Currently, ARYZTA is covered by five analysts.


Bank Analyst Recommendation
Baader Helvea AG Andreas von Arx Buy
KeplerCheuvreux Jon Cox Hold
UBS Joern Iffert Buy
Vontobel Arben Hasanaj Buy
Zürcher Kantonalbank Patrick Schwendimann Outperform


Company-collected Consensus

The data below is a company-compiled consensus estimate based on the inputs of participating analysts who have submitted their financial projections. Note that consensus estimates, including any kind of underlying projections or forecasts, are the analysts’ own opinions. They are neither endorsed nor commented by ARYZTA.